J.P. Morgan

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J.P. Morgan has a history in Thailand going back more than 50 years to when Chase Manhattan Bank opened a branch in Bangkok in 1964. With more than 100 employees working in the Bangkok-based office, the firm is a leading wholesale financial services provider in the Land of Smiles, maintaining leadership positions across derivatives; equities and equity capital markets; cash management; mergers and acquisitions; and debt capital markets.

J.P. Morgan believes business has a responsibility to help solve pressing challenges around the world and works to build an inclusive global economy that works for everyone. In Thailand, the firm’s CSR efforts have focused on the topics of careers and skills, business growth and entrepreneurship.  As the economy becomes increasingly digital, STEM skills are now more needed than ever. Through J.P. Morgan Foundation, the firm is partnering with the International Labour Organization (ILO) on projects in and around metropolitan Bangkok that support disadvantaged women in acquiring and progressing in STEM careers, as well as female small business owners in recovering from COVID-19.


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